Tuesday 24 May 2016

At my house Lightning struck my sister was crying and my dog was barking I said” it's not  scary you don't need to cry it's only lightning.Image by FlamingText.com

Then we looked on www.stuff.co.nz  and 57 people got struck by lightning and they died and my sister was scared of the rain and she never went outside again until
She was 21.

And she was scared for 21 years and there was never thunder or lightning!!!!!!!

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Image by FlamingText.com
I'm at the  river with my mates all we have to eat is oranges and apple.We ate all of the food in like two minutes.There are a lot of people swimming and throwing their rubbish into the river.Then after a while they left then it was silence. Then it started to get darker and darker and bang bang I heard thunder.Then this stranger came down to the river he was wearing black pyjamas before we left we swam in the river it was freezing then the old man went for a swim he was really  old!  

Tuesday 17 May 2016

                                  Cross country practise
                               I'm standing on the corner mostly
                              everyone is running. I can see the sweat
                             running down peoples faces. When they get
                              to the end everyone is exhausted. and then
                              they complain that they are sore!!!!