Sunday 26 June 2016

                                                               WHAREROA FARM

On friday the 17th of june we arrived at whareroa farm.


We rock up in the bus we all get out and sit in the shed and  Jan told us the rules and we split up into groups and went off. I was in a group with Tyler,Joe,Cory,Wiari and Linda.We  we had to walk down a gravel track then went to the picnic table.


And we had to listen to Mrs Whyte and all the other  adults and then Mrs Whyte Asked what group wanted to do the dell  and so our group said that we would do it so as soon then we headed off to find the pegs. Here is a picture


Then we crossed a 6 metre wide river and went up a huge hill it was steep finally
wiari spotted they first peg the letter was (A) and then      we had a selfie with the peg it was so funny.And then

After that we went for a walk up the hill with our whole group the  letter of our group was  (D) when we got up the hill we took some photos and answered some questions and then walked back down the hill.

Then we did a water experiment we walked into the river
With a bucket and a net and collected water in the bucket and then pulled the net up stream and caught bugs then we went back to the table and got the magnifying glass and looked at the bugs and identified what bugs they were we caught a stonefly.

Here's  is a picture of one of the weta houses.


we went into the forest and we looked at the weta homes there was a lot of wetas  in their houses  they were big!!


Here is our group on the top of the hill looking for a water catchment.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

At my house Lightning struck my sister was crying and my dog was barking I said” it's not  scary you don't need to cry it's only lightning.Image by

Then we looked on  and 57 people got struck by lightning and they died and my sister was scared of the rain and she never went outside again until
She was 21.

And she was scared for 21 years and there was never thunder or lightning!!!!!!!

Wednesday 18 May 2016

Image by
I'm at the  river with my mates all we have to eat is oranges and apple.We ate all of the food in like two minutes.There are a lot of people swimming and throwing their rubbish into the river.Then after a while they left then it was silence. Then it started to get darker and darker and bang bang I heard thunder.Then this stranger came down to the river he was wearing black pyjamas before we left we swam in the river it was freezing then the old man went for a swim he was really  old!  

Tuesday 17 May 2016

                                  Cross country practise
                               I'm standing on the corner mostly
                              everyone is running. I can see the sweat
                             running down peoples faces. When they get
                              to the end everyone is exhausted. and then
                              they complain that they are sore!!!!


Wednesday 13 April 2016

                                             motorbikes are fast
                                          and cool ,i sometimes crash
                                        but i get back up again,when i
                                             ride on the beach my bike
                                            brakes down i have fun thats
                                              why im on my motor bike.

Friday 8 April 2016

                                         Camp poem 
                                     I visited camp 
                                     Everyone was having 
                                  A great time all my friends 
                                  Where bombing into the pools
                                   And on the waterslide it was 
                                     Funny everyone was going fast

Monday 4 April 2016

                                  When I go to the skatepark
                               I try new tricks the swet is running
                                  Down my face I have no energy left
                               I keep trying one trick I'm not landing
                                It I step up one more time to do it i try
                               And I landed I'm happy.

Wednesday 23 March 2016

Recount about               Camp
On Thursday I visited camp Paula Callums mum took me.

When we got there I went to the pool it was cool everyone
Was bombing in ‘then Charlie got stung by a wasp it must of hurt I thought.

Then I went to the waterslide to help then everyone came and went on it .i got soaked by mrs Grundman when she went down it ‘i laughed.

Then Joe,Joaquin,wiari and tyler came over tyler didn't want to go down the slide.So he watched everyone go down with me.Joaquin got the ball stuck under the caravan

Then i went to the bottom of the waterslide to see people get soaked it was hilarious.

Then Tyler showed me his cabin it was a tip then I heard a mouse on the deck it was cool then we went home I had a great time

Monday 14 March 2016

Hi i'm Ollie hope you like what i post