Thursday 7 September 2017

Dad character Description


Jeff is my Dad. He has enormous feet that are size thirteen.His hands are huge twice the size of mine .His long muscled arms stretch out so wide.My dad's eyes are light blue and can see most things I do. His bald head is spiky as a thorn. Jeff my dad looks after my fishing gear. He is kind to everyone and listens to what people have to say. Jeff loves his rally cars,he enjoys taking his mates and me with him,but he doesn't like crashing them. My dad’s cars and rally cars are his hobby.He works on them on the weekends. Dad makes his cars as fast as a formula 1 car and so loud the neighbors complain. My dad respects the environment and does not litter if we go somewhere and there's rubbish he would pick it up.Jeff is an amazing dad I couldn't ask for a better dad he takes care of me and never complains he is perfect.

Sunday 3 September 2017

Sick sentences

KEY: Red sentences are sick
KEY:BLack sentences are fixed

Sam and the skydivers held on to each other. They were high up. It was scary.
Sam and the skydiver gripped tightly  onto each other's arms they were as high as the clouds And it was terrifying to look down,
The boy held out some food. The dragon ate it. He was green and had horns
The disgusting boy held out a lot of food The humongous ugly dragon ate it He was dark green and had horns as sharp as a knife.

It was really stormy
As the night went on the storm grew bigger and bigger

The sea was rough and there were big waves.
The sea was pounding and crashing over the ship

The waves hit the ship

The waves smashed and crashed against the ship

Fair play speech

Sport in New Zealand  is a religion!  We all play it at primary school right through to adulthood. But as supporters our behaviour leaves a lot to be desired throwing abuse towards referees and people who are out there doing it is unacceptable. fair play is integrity, solidarity, tolerance, care, excellence and joy, are the building blocks of fair play that can be experienced and learnt both on and off the field.

In 2015 the New zealand  rugby union created a programme called APPLAUD. Encouraging positive sideline support, if the sideline supporters are using inappropriate language towards players, coaches, officials and spectators.they are given a lollipop to eat   so they stop abusing people from the sideline.

At any sports game  on a saturday or sunday there's  always  
abuse coming from the sideline,  and it's mostly from adults shouting at their children and then kids that are trying their best feel disappointed when they are being shouted at.

When I am playing  soccer I feel disappointed when I am trying my best and people are abusing me like swearing,shouting and booing me all of my other teammates feel bad aswell when they are being abused.How would you feel if you were being abused by someone ?


The boof heads on the sideline give the referees a lot of abuse. They give up their time to ref your sport and then everyone is shouting at them. Just recently, a top NZ referee was booed and supporters blamed him for the loss. In my opinion, Referees need to be respected more. if there is no referee no one could play the game.

I think that sideline supporters need to respect players,coaches and officials Because they use their spare time to coach and referee you're game and if they're not being respected their will be no referee and you won't be able to play